
Fri, Jun 29, 2018

Read in 2 minutes

Dette er en testside med en ingress.


Invision URL: https://weareint.invisionapp.com/d/#/console/11462273/272949439/preview


Setup your account 1

This is the setup wizard screen and it will show the steps that the user will go through to set up the account/workspace. To incourage users to setup as much as possible we will have some guiding on how far they have come. This will be in percent of completness regarding the recommended setup.

![Screenshot][url] Optional



Element Type Action Criteria
Setup step 1 Expanded List Move to step Will show progress on setup information recommended
Complete company information Checkbox/Link/Button Navigation Will change color and a checkmark will visualize the progress along with a percentage
5 more steps Checkbox/Link/Button Will change color and a checkmark will visualize the progress along with a percentage

TEO-002: Setup account overview

Number Theme Priority As the.. I want to… So I can…
001 Setup High User Access the different information that is recommended to provide as I start my subscription have things setup
002 Setup High TEO have the customer provide information about themselves and setup the account as much as possible make sure they invest into the system and will have things sorted when they will go on

BDD scenarios

TEO-001-001: User lands on page first time

Given the user has signed up
And this is the first time they login
When the first page screen loads
Then it will show setup wizard
And the percentage is 15% based on mandatory information provided

TEO-001-001: User comes back to the page after navigating away

Given Is signing in
And the completion percent is below 40%
When the first page loads
Then it will setup your account page
And a red bar is showing the setup percent